Sunday, 26 February 2017

Know the Amazing Things You Can Do with Lemon Juice

There is a popular saying that when life gives you lemons you should make lemonade. Well, here are some amazing things you could do with lemons apart from lemonade.

Cleans Stainless Steel: You can use a slice of lemon to clean the stainless steel surfaces and utensils. It cleans it perfectly well and restores its sheen.

Prevents Browning of Fruits: Sometimes, fruits cut open begin to brown after you cut them. A good example is apple. You can squeeze some lemon juice on the fruit to prevent it from browning.

Exfoliates Skin: You can add lemon juice, sugar, honey and olive oil to make a facial scrub that is very effective for exfoliation.

Aids Digestion: Taking a warm glass of water with lemon squeezed into it before any meal is a very good way to aid your digestion. Doing this frees your bowel and makes digestion of your meals much easier.

Removes Rust Stains: Sprinkle baking soda on surfaces with rust stains and add lemon juice to it. Scrub repeatedly until the stains go.

Whitens Tennis Shoes: Maintaining white tennis shoes could be difficult. You can however squeeze lemon juice on then and take it out to the sun to dry. It acts as a bleaching agent for fabrics.

Whitens Discoloured Nails: Mix lemon juice and olive oil to a bowl and soak your finger nails in them the lemon juice whitens your finger nails while the olive oil strengthens it.

Brightens Skin: Lemon juice can be used to brighten your skin. Mix lemon juice with coconut oil and use as a moisturizer for your skin consistently. This is a natural way to brighten your skin. You’ll love the result.

These are just a few of the many things you can do with lemon.

Click here to order for lemons from Llynmase Fresh Foods

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